But they struggled against government, and wrote a constitution to limit that scope. Obama was quoted today from something he said a while back talking about the constitution being a document of "negative liberty," outlining what the government cannot do to us and he criticized the founding fathers for not outlining the rights of the government over the people.
Our country was based on principles of individual liberty and limited government, principles which, by his own admission, Obama feels are incomplete. By his own words, Barack Obama seeks to give the government more control over your life, and take more of your money in taxes to distribute as entitlements to those who have not earned it.
And if that isn't bad enough, the very antithesis of our constitution, we all know that it won't happen. The government control will happen, the taxes will happen, but the people who benefit will be the government. We have seen it in the Soviet Union, we see it in every petty dictatorship in the world, and we see it all over socialist Europe.
Europe...England...oppressed by their monarchy for centuries, a society of indentured servants, happy now to exchange freedom for entitlement, and no wonder. They were oppressed by government for so long, they feel like the government owes them, and it does. But they are blindly paying for it, in a sort of willing, falsely blissful ignorance. Others thought the government owed them nothing more than opportunity and the freedom to find it. Those guys came here, and now everyone in the world is trying to get here to get a little of what we have.
Why do those in the Middle East hate us? Israel? No. It is our prosperity. If we are the infidels, and they follow the will of Allah, then why do we prosper while they eat sand? Oh, their governments prosper, thanks to our economy. But the common people who are held under the thumb of the government and only get to know what they are told are taught from birth that our prosperity makes us evil.
The jews that found the land of milk and honey found it in New York, Hollywood, and Ft. Lauderdale.
The world wants to be us, because we have shown the world what it could become if government would stay mostly out of the way. Barack Obama seeks to change that, and make us more like the rest of the world. If we wanted to be them, we wouldn't have come here and started our own country.
They wanted freedom from a government who taxed their prosperity and redistributed it as it saw fit. Freedom threatening freedom? No. It is the fear of freedom being taken away.
Well, Biden was unable to answer the call to separate Obama's proposed policies of wealth redistribution from Marxism, unable to give an answer as to whether Obama would retaliate militarily if his leadership were challenged with an attack on American soil, and then, to top it off, Obama's own autobiography was quoted today with phrases like him being drawn towards Marxists. I then heard an interview he gave in 2001 where he stated that he did not feel the Civil Rights Movement was really all that radical because it never dealt with the redistribution of American wealth. Called them "redistributive policies" and "reparative policies."
It's easy to blame Bush. He is the President. But he is a lame duck republican with a democrat congress. "George Bush's failed economic policies..." What are they? Seriously. I asked here once if anyone could name three things that Obama wanted to change and there has been no answer, other than mine (raise taxes, redistribute wealth, and choke off energy production). So what are Bush's failed economic policies? The one where he wanted more oversight and regulation of large companies that were dangerously close to becoming constitutional monopolies? The one where he lowered taxes and stimulated economic growth? How about the economic stimulus checks that were so criticized by the dems who are now trying to push a similar package through Congress in time to make Obama look like a hero before the election?
No. Most of Bush's policies have been blocked by Congress, those guys who criticize Bush's 30% approval rating while trying to take the focus off of their own lackluster 9%. They have been blocking court appointments for years. They had a cow when Bush fired 90 something federal judges. Clinton fired ALL OF THEM. Double standards and no core principles.
But, from Obama, we have yet to hear what this change is. Change for the sake of change? Widespread socialist policies bordering on Marxism? Seriously? Because that is what Barack Obama wants.